Totalt sett ble tre personer valgt inn i Hall of Fame i 2020:
- Cathrine d'Ovidio (Frankrike)
- P.O. Sundelin (Sverige)
- Boye Brogeland (Norge)
Boye har kommet i et svært eksklusivt selskap med blant annet Geir Helgemo som ble valgt inn i 2017.
Styret i NBF nominerte Boye med følgende tekst: (lettere omskrevet utdrag, siden nominasjon var felles med Tor Helness)
Boye is well known and we reckon that a list of accomplishments is not really necessary. But Boye has won the Bermuda Bowl and the European Championship, together with numerous other big tournaments all over the world. He is know as a highly ethical player who always meet opponents with a smile and good attitude. In other words, a great ambassador for our fine sport.
Boye has the same passion about the game (ref. as Tor), and it was this passion that lead him to risk his own career to clean up top level bridge. Not everyone agrees with his methods, but it was extremely important that someone risked putting their head above the sand and "do the right thing". Bridge at the top level are much more clean now than just some years ago. Besides that, Boye is one of the most likeable players in the world.
Norsk Bridgeforbund gratulerer Boye Brogeland med utnevnelsen!