Brevet sendes på bakgrunn av beviser som Boye har presentert på www.bridgecheaters.com. NBF tar ikke stilling til om det har foregått juks, men det Boye har presentert er av en slik art at NBF mener dette bør etterforskes.
Brevet er stilet til EBLs president Yves Aubry og lyder:
''On behalf of the NBF we kindly request EBL to formally review the status of Lotan Fisher and Ron Schwartz of Israel. This request is based on the allegations of cheating made Boye Brogeland, regarding his former teammates.
These allegations are reported on Bridgewinners .com, and bridgecheaters.com - a web page put up for these allegations.
For the last 20 years Boye Brogeland has been representing the Norwegian National team. His ethics has never been questioned and he is a winner of the Bermuda Bowl and a European Champion.
We kindly urge that the EBL as soon as possible takes the necessary steps to investigate the case.''
NBF vil fortsatt presisere at vi ikke mistenker at det foregår systematisk juks i Norge, og at vi vil fortsette å støtte å støtte Boye i hans kamp for en ''ren'' bridge.