Exploring the Social World of the Mind Sport of Bridge
The partnership of EBED, UK and Irish Bridge Unions and the University of Stirling have provided funding for a 3 year PhD Studentship (fees plus living expenses) for the first ever PhD in the Sociology of Bridge: Bridging the Gap: An Exploration of Transitions in Play through the Lifecourse. We are looking for a PhD candidate ideally with a masters, or an excellent undergraduate degree, preferably within the social sciences or a related discipline. No knowledge of bridge is required.
Bridge is one of the world’s most widely played, stimulating and challenging card games that requires skill, concentration and practice. Understanding what drives individuals to take up bridge and what keeps people playing across the lifecourse is at the heart of this PhD studentship. Bridge provides a contemporary example to understand the role of a mind sport in developing social capital and well-being through community participation at different ages.
The long-term goals of this bridge research are to raise awareness about the opportunities bridge offers to prospective players, to attract wider interest in the game which may hopefully lead to increasing the numbers of players and to challenge stereotypical assumptions about bridge. The findings will also be used to create resources to promote the mind sport to different age groups and to ensure that those who play are enabled to get as much from the game as possible.
For further information and application details please see:
Further queries can be addressed to Prof. Samantha Punch, s.v.punch@stir.ac.uk