Granskningskomiteen består av Eric Laurant fra Nederland og Jan Kamras fra Sverige. Komiteen skal samle sammen alle publiserte bevis, og la de anklagede kommentere disse bevisene, eventuelt komme med egne bevis. Komiteens funn skal så presenteres for EBL hovedstyre og om nødvendig EBLs disiplinære komité.
EBLs redegjørelse: ''The EBL has received formal requests from several NBOs to investigate the allegations of cheating by two partnerships that have recently been published and supported by prima facie evidence. EBL President, Yves Aubry, has nominated Executive Committee members Eric Laurant and Jan Kamras, Disciplinary Committee member Jean Paul Meyer, together with a panel of expert players (who will be nominated shortly) to an Investigation Committee. The Investigation Committee shall collect all available evidence, present the evidence to the partnerships involved, giving them the opportunity to respond and present their own exculpatory evidence, evaluate all such evidence to arrive at an opinion on culpability, and present those findings to the Executive Committee and, if necessary, to the Disciplinary Committee.''
Beskyldningene om juks tok også en ny vending i helgen, da det tyske paret Josef Piekarek og Alexander Smirnov publiserte et brev hvor de innrømte etiske brudd. Nøyaktig hva disse etiske bruddene går ut på er foreløpig ikke kjent. EBL har suspendert dette paret med umiddelbar virkning.
Smirnovs brev (publisert på www.bridgewinners.com): ''Josef Piekarek and I are aware of the "whispers" circulating about our ethical conduct, and we are sorry to say there is some truth to them. We regret that in the past as a partnership we committed some ethical violations. This morning we informed our Federation and our teammates, and we have all agreed that the German team should withdraw from the Bermuda Bowl. Josef and I have voluntarily agreed never again to play competitive bridge together and to take two years off from playing competitive bridge. We hope that after such a time has elapsed, that we might be welcomed back into the competitive bridge playing community.''
NBF, har som tidligere presentert, arbeidet opp mot EBL for å få de til å ta tak i saken, og er nå fornøyd med at den er under etterforskning. NBF vil allikevel fortsatt være en aktiv part overfor EBL, slik at vi er sikker på at saken behandles grundig, rettferdig og kjapt.