IOC presiserer at ingen lagidretter skal kunne ha russisk eller belarusisk deltakelse, og ingen utøvere tilknyttet de militære styrker skal kunne delta. Men i sine anbefaleringer til de internasjonale særforbundene sier IOC at det bør kunne åpnes opp for nøytral deltakelse i individuelle grener.
Mer presist oppsummeres dette i følgende seks punkter:
- Athletes with a Russian or a Belarusian passport must compete only as Individual Neutral Athletes.
- Teams of athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport cannot be considered.
- Athletes who actively support the war cannot compete. Support personnel who actively support the war cannot be entered.
- Athletes who are contracted to the Russian or Belarusian military or national security agencies cannot compete. Support personnel who are contracted to the Russian or Belarusian military or national security agencies cannot be entered.
- Any such Individual Neutral Athlete, like all the other participating athletes, must meet all anti-doping requirements applicable to them and particularly those set out in the anti-doping rules of the IFs.
- The sanctions against those responsible for the war, the Russian and Belarusian states and governments, must remain in place:
1. No international sports events organised or supported by an IF or NOC in Russia or Belarus.
2. No flag, anthem, colours or any other identifications whatsoever of these countries displayed at any sports event or meeting, including the entire venue.
3. No Russian and Belarusian government or state official can be invited to or accredited for any international sports event or meeting.
For Norsk Bridgeforbund er det viktig å presisere at vi støtter Norges Idrettsforbunds standpunkt i denne saken; som er et klart og tydelig nei til russisk og belarussisk deltakelse i internasjonal sport, inkludert bridge.