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Teksten i brevet:
''Dear fellow bridge friends
As we all have noticed, an avalanche has hit European bridge. Three top international pairs have been deprived of their cheating methods, and Israel, Monaco and Germany have therefore withdrawn from the Bermuda Bowl over the last days. Naturally, the normal EBL routines has not been able to keep up with the pace and momentum these cases have developed with, and as far as we know the withdrawals from the three countries have been voluntarily.
Having seen some of the evidence brought forward by Boye Brogeland and several others, we should honor the Israeli bridge federation, Pierre Zimmerman and his team and the German players and federation for taking the right actions!
In our opinion it would be naive to think that with the three cases uncovered, cheating in bridge is cleaned out. We certainly think that consistent anti "doping" leadership will be needed in the coming years from the EBL leadership as well as from each of us.
We do not know how the process should be organized, but we think it is reasonable to call for the current EBL leadership to consider resigning from their current positions at the European Championships in Hungary next summer. The member organizations can then either reelect them or get new leaders into place.
In the meantime we all should come forward with our best suggestions for how the next Championships can be as fair as possible, and how our sport should be organized.''